Alexandra Middleton | Endometriosis: Current Research And Strategies

Alex is an experienced naturopathic nutritionist with over ten years experience in helping women optimise their hormones, fertility and reproductive health. Her special mission is to show women with Endometriosis how to get their quality of life back through the combined power of natural, environmental and conventional medicine.

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Alex’s approach is grounded in the principles of both naturopathic and evidence-based medicine. She is passionate about incorporating the latest research into her clinical practice, including her own research work with the National Institute of Complimentary Medicine (NICM). She also works extensively with the Australian medical community to ensure the best possible outcomes for her clients. Outside of her clinic, Alex is a passionate advocate for the natural medicine industry, supporting lobbying activities through her work with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS). On behalf of ATMS she also runs Australia’s largest Continuing Professional Education program for fellow practitioners who want to stay on top of the latest science.


In this episode

  • Alex’s personal journey with endometriosis
  • What the research states about the causes of endometriosis
  • Why so many endometriosis diagnoses are going missed
  • The importance of a multi-modality approach 
  • Dietary strategies - including the effectiveness of biological amines and low FODMAP
  • The link between dysfunctional iron metabolism and endometriosis symptoms. Why supplementation or infusions are often not the solution
  • The link between infections and endometriosis
  • Natural therapies for symptom relief 
  • And so much more


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Show notes


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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