Angela Carroll | Avoid Burnout While Growing Your Clinic Or Business

Angela Carroll is a sought after Business, Speaking and Performance coach, helping Natural Health Care Practitioners to grow and scale their business without the burnout. Angela has worked in the Natural Medicine industry for three decades. She has run her own Practice and trained and educated over 10,000 Natural Health Care Practitioners on evidence -based Natural Medicine and how to run a successful Practice for the past 18 years in her role as a senior educator, speaker, podcaster and seminar and webinar host. Angela is a qualified Naturopath, Herbalist, Acupuncturist, in addition to being a full-time certified coach and NLP Master Practitioner and TimeLine therapist, and is an expert and creating programs. Helping Practitioners to grow a business they love, feel confident in, and attract clients who pay, stay and refer is an ongoing passion.

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In this episode we cover

  • The different challenges that health practitioners face and the patterns they follow
  • The different levels of practitioner and practice growth
  • The challenges that are common at each of these levels
  • solutions for these challenges
  • How practitioners can engage clients into doing what it takes to get results
  • And so much more


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Show notes




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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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