Beyond Restriction: Finding Balance and Freedom with Food

Chantel Yates is a qualified naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist based in Lutruwita, Tasmania. She is passionate about her family, nature, the ocean and all things health and healing. Chantel is a GIT expert and likes to support patients to recover and maintain health, wellness and vitality by restoring and optimising gut and microbiome function.


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In this episode, we cover;

  • All things restrictive diets. The common restricted diets seen in clinic
  • Consequences of long-term food restriction
  • What diet if any does Chantel recommend to clients
  • How Chantel helps patients who get severe food reactions recover and eat normally again
  • And so much more


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I can not tell you how excited I am to have Splash Blanket as our Love & Guts sponsor. If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I have many of these divine blankets and have been using them for intimacy, tummy time, and toilet training. The list goes on. So if you are sick of wet patches, spills, and stains ruining furniture, or bedding, say hello to your new best friend: Splash Blanket!"

"Although Splash Blanket burst onto the scene with their ingenious design for intimacy blankets—luxuriously soft and super sexy—it's not just for playtime in the bedroom. Splash Blanket is your go-to, versatile solution for a whole range of different situations."


"Customers swear by it for birthing, postpartum recovery, free bleeding, free nappy time, and even for incontinence in both kids and the elderly. With Splash Blanket, mess worries are a thing of the past!"

"Birthing on the floor or bed and don't want to stain sheets or carpets? That's where Splash Blanket steps in, offering a soft, plush feel, perfect for welcoming your baby into the world. Why use a towel or hospital-grade cloth when you can wrap your little one in a cozy, snuggle-worthy, waterproof blanket swaddle?"

"Just to add to the already long list of uses, nappy-free tummy time is not only great for building your baby's neck strength but also beneficial if they have nappy rash and you want to give them some nappy-less time. And the fitted sheets? They're the golden ticket to easy cleanup during toilet training and nighttime accidents."

"If that hasn't convinced you, let's talk about the importance of mattress hygiene. With Splash Blanket, you can rest easy knowing your mattress is protected from spills and accidents. Plus, when staying at Airbnbs or hotels, always remember to lay down your Splash Blanket to safeguard bedding and mattresses."

To dive into the world of mess-proof living visit the splash blanket website today! And don't forget to use code GUT15 for an exclusive 15% off!"


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