Neurological Adaptations In Pregnancy And Postpartum

Dr. Leah Hechtman, PhD, is a renowned naturopathic clinician specializing in fertility, pregnancy, and comprehensive reproductive health. In addition to her clinical expertise, she is an engaged researcher, a published author, and a dedicated educator. Her extensive qualifications include advanced training in multiple disciplines. She is a revered university lecturer, a sought-after keynote speaker, and a regular voice in the media.

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Committed to a collaborative approach, Dr. Hechtman works closely with each patient’s healthcare team, often involving general practitioners, specialists, and other healthcare professionals. She aims to inter-professionally bridge the gaps between different disciplines and theories, fostering a holistic and collaborative outcome in both clinical practice and research. Fuelled by her unquenchable thirst for knowledge and her passion for the intersection of science and spirituality, Dr. Hechtman continuously seeks to deepen her understanding of medicine.

This quest for knowledge informs her lectures, making them not only relevant but also immediately applicable and supportive. Widely recognized for her expertise, Dr. Hechtman receives numerous referrals from fertility specialists and IVF clinics globally.



In this episode, we cover

  • The brain changes that occur in women throughout their lives, especially during pregnancy
  • Why starting solids before 6 months may be beneficial for some babies
  • The neuro and brain changes specific to the postpartum period and how we can identify them in ourselves and others
  • Matrescence and the differences between women in their 20s vs 30s vs 40s and beyond
  • What happens to the woman and her brain as she ‘loses’ her sense of self and transforms
  • The role of prolactin and oxytocin during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. What if she chooses or is unable to breastfeed - how does that affect her brain?
  • Microchimerism in the postpartum period - what impact does it have on her brain, sense of self, and immunology
  • Sleep, weight, and hormones - what sleep deprivation is actually doing to the mother’s brain and hallmark periods to watch out for
  • Leah discusses her online Practitioner Only Workshops - The Clinic Room - Unlock Advanced Clinical Strategies And Techniques. Practitioners who are interested in doing this course can receive a discount if you use the code LOVE10. This offer is valid until November 27, 2023.


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Show notes

  • The Clinic Room - Unlock Advanced Clinical Strategies And Techniques. Practitioners who are interested in doing this course can receive a discount if you use the code LOVE10. This offer is valid until November 27, 2023.
  • Instagram @leahhechtman
  • Facebook: @LeahHechtman


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