Carla Wrenn | Long Covid

Carla Wrenn is an Integrative Naturopath & Nutritionist. Completing a Bachelor of Health Science in 2001 and practicing for 21 years. As a passionate learner, Carla also completed postgraduate studies in Integrative Oncology, Autoimmune Diseases, and Functional Medicine in Australia and the USA. Carla’s time is spent consulting in the area of complex and chronic diseases, especially Oncology.

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Carla is the owner of Peninsula Herbal Dispensary & Naturopathic Clinic, where Carla works with 12 Naturopaths and a support team, who love providing Acute Care, Consultations and lifestyle retail offerings to their Mornington Peninsula community and beyond. Carla is a passionate advocate for all we have to offer as Naturopathic and Complementary Medicine Practitioners. She values industry collaboration and has spent the last 6 years training over 1000 Practitioners in her course Vitae Mosaic – Naturopathic Functional Medicine and more recently in the areas of evidence-based oncology support and Long COVID.


In this episode we cover

  • Is there an official definition and diagnostic criteria for long covid
  • The clinical presentation of Long Covid. How does someone know they have Long COVID? 
  • The biological changes that occur
  • Common drivers
  • The link with autoimmune conditions
  • What should someone do if they have Long COVID? 
  • How we diagnose officially. Can we diagnose accurately?
  • Treatment strategies and how naturopaths can help
  • So much more


Listen here


Show notes


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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