Cauliflower and Sausage Stuffed Chicken

If you thought going gluten free meant ditching the chicken stuffing you would be wrong. I have recreated a family favourite which will satisfy the biggest stuffed chicken lovers. Apparently stuffings help steam the chicken from the inside and absorbs some of the roasting juice which leaves our chicken moist and succulent. It's also a great way to use your scrap veggie bits.


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1.5 kg organic chicken

¼ cup sunflower seeds, ground

¼ cup hazelnuts, ground

2 tbsp ghee, melted

¼ sausage or nitrite free bacon, chopped into small chunks

1 tbsp organic honey or brown rice syrup

¼ cup cauliflower, chopped into small chunks

1 tbsp oregano, dry or fresh (1-2 tbsp if fresh)

1 tbsp rosemary, dry or fresh (1-2 tbsp if fresh)

2 tsp himalayan salt

2 tsp cracked black pepper

2 tsp turmeric

Note - if you are sensitive to nuts and seeds. Leave them out and add another 1/2 cup of pulverised cauliflower.



Preheat oven to 200 degrees. You may need to adjust temperature depending on your oven.

Using a food processor or blender grind the seeds and nuts. Pop ground mixture in a medium bowl and set aside.

Using a food processor or blender, grind the cauliflower florets until it resembles chunky rice.

Add cauliflower rice to nut and seed mixture.

Add 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper, 1/2 tbsp oregano, rosemary, 1 tbsp ghee, 1tbsp honey, 1 tsp turmeric and sausage to bowl.

Toss until well combined.

Stuff chicken cavity with mixture.

Place chicken on a baking tray. I like to line mine with baking paper (less cleaning)

You can tie the legs up with rope to keep contents contained or you can leave legs untied. (I tend to be rather lazy and leave untied)

Smother the skin of the chicken with the remaining ghee, herbs, spices, salt and pepper.

Bake in oven covered with baking paper for 70- 90 minutes. Again this will depend on your oven. You can leave uncovered for the last 15 minutes if you would like a crispier skin.


Enjoy 4 times 🙂




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