Creamy Custard Tart

Its really a cross between a yummy custard and cheesecake. So delish and actually healthy enough to have for breakfast in a pinch. Packed full of quality protein, fibre and healthy fats.


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150ml of organic coconut milk

3 organic eggs

2 tbsp organic rice malt syrup

1 heaped tsp cinnamon powder

3 scoops 180 Nutrition protein superfood (vegan or whey if ok with dairy). You can also use 1/2 cup ground macadamias or hazelnuts

1 tbsp melted coconut oil




Place 2 scoops (ΒΌ cup) of 180 Nutrition protein superfood into a small bowl

Pour melted coconut oil on top

Blend thoroughly with a spoon until moist and crumbly

Press mixture into a medium baking tray lined with baking paper

Set aside



Whisk eggs in a medium bowl

Warm coconut milk, rice malt syrup, cinnamon and eggs in a medium saucepan

Keep whisking until mixture thickens slightly

If still runny, you can use a handheld blender to thicken

Pour custard mixture over base and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours

You can freeze whatever is not gobbled up and defrost as needed

Makes around 8 slices



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