Dateless Protein Balls

This recipe is perfect for the person who wants to enjoy a quick, healthy snack, dessert or breakfast on the run without the extra sugar from dates. It is packed full of healthy fats, protein, fibre and antioxidants, making it a well balanced and filing bite. Did you know that aside from their delicious, buttery taste, macadamias have around the same amount of the health promoting monounsaturated fat, oleic acid as olives. Impressive I know.


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1/2 Cup Tahini
3 Scoops 180 nutrition superfood protein blend (Coconut Vegan) or 1.5 cups of Ground Almond + 1.5 cups of LSA
1/4 cup Ground Macadamias
1/4 Cup Dessicated Coconut
2 tsp Cacao (I use Peruvian Cacao)
1 tsp Vanilla bean powder (I use organic Madagascan Vanilla Bean)



  • Grind macadamia nuts until it becomes a sticky, crumbly consistency.
  • Combine ground macadamia with all ingredients except coconut and mix well. Use more tahini if mixture is still too dry.
  • Create medium size balls with the mixture and roll in desiccated coconut.
  • Store in an airtight container and consume when you need a protein hit, snack or quick, healthy breakfast on the go.
  • I Like them as is but if you desire something sweeter at 1 tbsp of Rice Malt Syrup or Creamed Coconut to the mix.

Makes 12 medium size balls

Comments 1

  1. Robyn
    August 7, 2016

    Mucked up the measurements a bit and then tweaked it with some coconut oil and almonds and coconut cream – yep – you guessed it – too much dry ingredients. But … turned out great … so I think you can use this as a ‘base’ and add to it! Thanks heaps

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