Demystifying Carbohydrates & Sports Nutrition With Kira Sutherland

Kira Sutherland is an experienced Naturopath and Sports Nutritionist with more than 20 years in clinical practice. She is the previous Department Head of Nutritional Medicine at one of Australia’s leading Naturopathic Colleges and has lectured in Natural Medicine for 15+ years both within Australia and overseas. She is passionate about working with athletes of all levels and has a special interest in endurance nutrition as she herself competes in Ironman triathlon.

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As a health educator, Kira works with: Colleges, conferences, corporates, sports teams, athletes and the media. She is currently completing her Masters in Sports Nutrition, running after her 12 year-old daughter and skiing as much as possible.


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In this episode we cover

  • How Kira found herself specialising in sports nutrition & lecturing
  • What a health practitioner needs to be aware of when working with high-end drug tested athletes
  • What a middle - carber is & why we have all become carb phobic
  • Ketogenic diets in relation to sports performance
  • What's "seasonal" ketogenic diets
  • How protein consumption should differ, depending on the quantity and quality of exercise we do
  • Supporting mental health in those that train and compete
  • The link between digestive health, intestinal permeability & running & how to counteract some of these
  • The Link between menstrual disruption & athleticism
  • Finding your carbohydrate threshold
  • What Kira would you like to see happen in sports nutrition


Show Notes



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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.




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