Discover Your Root Voice With Holistic Pelvic Care | Julia Rossmanith

When hubby and I first moved to northern NSW a few years back I sought the professional support of Julia Rossmanith from the nurtured womb. I was very much in my head, in drive mode 24/7, in a very masculine state you could say. A tendency I have. I knew I had to reconnect with my womb, my feminine self, ground a little perhaps and so I took myself off to Brunswick Heads for some holistic pelvic care and mayan abdominal therapy. Therapy I heard was extremely beneficial for this exact desire. My experience was nurturing, nourishing, emotional and yep profound.


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Today I am delighted to share with you a podcast interview I did with Julia.


Julia Rossmanith is the mother of four children, and has a Science degree majoring in Anatomy and Physiology. She is a certified practitioner of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, Holistic Pelvic Care™, and Maya Traditional Healing.


Throughout her life she has witnessed, through her own experiences, studies, and work with clients, the impact that unresolved issues and unexpressed emotions can have on women’s wellbeing, especially in relation to menstruation, the fertility journey, and subsequently the birthing experience.


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She is passionate about sharing her wisdom and knowledge of abdominal and pelvic health with other women, helping them to feel the empowerment and strength that comes from bringing awareness, connection and healing to this space.


In this episode we cover

  • What holistic pelvic care is
  • Who is it for
  • What to expect in a holistic pelvic care session
  • Why we would ever want to use a vaginal steam bath
  • What finding our root voice means and how we can find ours
  • What Julia experiences while we undergo treatment with her
  • And plenty more


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Show notes




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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.




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