Dr Kelly Blodgett | Root Canals And Root Canal Toxicity

Dr. Blodgett is a native Oregonian who attended grade school through high school in Southwest Portland. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Oregon and completed his pre-doctoral sciences at Portland State University. Dr. Blodgett attended the OHSU School of Dentistry and graduated in June of 1999 where he earned the “Going the Extra Mile” award from his own classmates. Throughout his career, he’s become a recognized leader in minimally-invasive dentistry, dental lasers, computerized dental technology, and holistic care. He has been featured in numerous dental journals, on television, and in magazines for the innovative care he provides. He is truly a modern pioneer in progressive dental care.

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Dr. Blodgett and his wife, Julie, have been married since 1994 and have two beautiful daughters: Sara, born in 2002, and Megan, born in 2005. They reside in Southwest Portland, just up the hill from his high school alma mater, Wilson High School. 


In this episode we cover

  • All things root canal and what an unexpected fascinating topic it is
  • What is root canal and root canal toxicity
  • How root canal problems are diagnosed
  • Alternative’s to root canals
  • Toothpaste - to fluoride or not to fluoride
  • Mercury fillings - to remove or not remove
  • Daily strategies to enhance / protect oral health / oral microbiome (and thus overall health)
  • And so much more


Listen here


Show notes



Before we dive into this conversation, I’m delighted to welcome back vital.ly as the monthly sponsor for the Love & Guts podcast. Trusted by more than 5,000 health practitioners, vital.ly is a digital platform, a professional health resource and a distribution service all in one.


Features include an extensive range of premium products, patient ordering service, interactions database, monographs, a product comparison tool, clinic profiles, a dedicated education hub and more.  It’s free to join, and you can find out more by visiting vital.ly


Also I’m excited to share that our friends at vital.ly have launched their own podcast - Common Ground! Hosted by naturopaths Jacqui Fahey and Wendy McLean. Each week the team will discuss research and interesting projects in the field of complementary medicine. Available on Amazon, Apple, Spotify, Google and more! You can also listen via the vital.ly blog here


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