Dr. Paula Smith-Brown | Allergies And The Infant Microbiome

Dr. Paula Smith-Brown is the Clinical Science Lead at Microba and an Adjunct Lecturer at the Centre for Microbiome Research at The Queensland University of Technology. She is a PhD-qualified Accredited Practising Dietitian who combines her experience as a microbiome researcher and healthcare professional to translate the latest science on the gut microbiome into practical clinical application. Dr. Paula Smith-Brown has a specialist interest in infant and child nutrition and allergies and intolerances in all ages and is the founder of the ABC nutrition clinic.

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In this episode we cover

  • The prevalence of allergies in children
  • Why children in Australia are getting more early-onset eczema and allergies
  • The importance of the microbiome in immune development
  • What families who can not breastfeed can do to support a child's health
  • Why not all topical nappy cream preparations are great 
  • Why timely introduction of complementary foods is important
  • Strategies to prevent allergy
  • And so much more


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.



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