Dr Sean Stringer | Breast Implant Illness

Dr. Sean Stringer, DC, uses a  concierge functional and energy medicine approach in his coaching/consulting and educational programs. Fixing health problems boils down to finding and fixing the root cause of health dysfunction in order to allow the body to heal itself. By treating the cause which resulted in symptoms, Dr. Stringer educates, inspires, and empowers his members to live their best life, thus adding more years to their life and MORE LIFE to their years.

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Services to his private member clients are provided through his coaching programs. He holds a Doctorate in Chiropractic, a Doctor of Monastic Medicine, a Doctor of Indigenous Medicine, and holds a Masters in Naturopathic Oncology. He currently consults for the USDA Certified Organic Hemp CBD company, Aspen Green. He also works with Space Energy Inc (SpaceE), a company dedicated to making subtle quantum advances in food and plant based medicine for better on and off world living. 


In this episode we cover

  • What breast implant illness is
  • Symptoms of breast implant illness
  • Why does it occur
  • We discuss if breast implants need to rupture to have symptoms
  • The toxins found in breast implants
  • Breast enhancement procedures that are not harmful
  • We discuss explanation
  • Detox and recovery protocols for those who have had explants.


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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