Find Your Authentic Voice and Like-ability in Relationships with Therese Toohey

Therese Toohey is a facilitator and executive coach specialising in high-level leadership and executive coaching services. She has a thorough understanding of the complexities of people and work, providing solution-focused and pragmatic approaches to strategic challenges. Therese’s strong academic and professional credentials are underpinned by a solid record of achievement in the areas of individual, team and organisational development. She brings proven expertise in developing leadership capacity and capability through coaching and in the design and delivery of bespoke leadership development programs. Therese’s 30 years’ extensive work teaching, facilitating & coaching in schools, universities, and Commonwealth and State/Territory Public Services is complemented by individual and leadership development projects in the private and not-for-profit sectors.

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In this episode we cover;


  • What it takes to be a good leader
  • Why is like-ability important in leadership
  • How leadership qualities benefit ALL of our relationships, even if we are not in a leadership role
  • How to find your voice
  • How leadership and finding your voice is important for health practitioners
  • The importance of genuine engagement, valued contribution and a sense of shared purpose
  • And so much more




Please note - the sound quality was a little less than optimal but it is worth you investing the time to listen.


Show Notes;


Find and connect with Therese here

We also mention Ellen Langer and her amazing books


Listen Here;




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