Greg Potter | How To Work With Your Circadian Biology

Greg Potter's PhD work at the University of Leeds on sleep, diet, and metabolic health was featured by the likes of the BBC World Service, the Washington Post, and Reuters. Greg has a BSc and an MSc in Exercise Physiology from Loughborough University, where he coached a sprinter to four gold medals at the European Championships. Greg has also worked with groups such as The United States Naval Special Warfare Command on health and performance optimisation.

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Greg has done a lot of work for humanOS over the last couple of years and has set up a discount code for people who want to check it out? There are circadian biology courses on there and guides on things like chrononutrition and exposure to light.  Greg and the team at HumanOS have given you one month access to their platform for $1 . Use the podcast code: loveandguts 


In this episode we cover

  • What are circadian rhythms
  • What is the significance of almost every organ having its own clock
  • The difference between the central and peripheral circadian clocks
  • How time restricted feeding and longer fasts affect the circadian rhythm
  • How knowing your “sleep” chronotype may be of benefit and how we can work with that knowledge
  • Light exposure? How it benefits our sleep wake cycle and what kind of light do we and dont we want exposure to at different times during the day
  • Greg’s thoughts on napping 
  • So much more


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Show Notes

  • Greg and the team at HumanOS have given you one month access to their platform for $1 . Use the podcast code: loveandguts 
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  • HumanOS


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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