Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy : The Oxygen Advantage | Brett O’Brien

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy just another bio-hack gimmicky tool? Naturopath Brett O'Brien sheds light on this topic.


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Naturopath Brett O’Brien has been involved in complementary and alternative health for almost 20 years. He has participated in most areas of this dynamic industry including:

    • clinical practice,
    • integrated health care,
    • retail management,
    • product sales,
    • training and lecturing.

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The clinic Core Naturopathics Brett co-founded with Darren Sassel returns to the ideals of the past, but represents a very modern application. It is what Brett believe’s naturopathy can be, a modern, scientific and results based wellness paradigm which supports people’s capacity to heal and thrive.


In this episode we cover

  • What homeostasis is and why naturopaths are interested in helping individuals achieve this
  • How homeostasis imbalance contributes to disease
  • How hyperbaric oxygen therapy works to achieve homeostasis
  • What the benefit is of increasing our oxygen levels
  • The difference between HBOT and the Wim Hoff method
  • How HBOT promotes new nerve growth “Neurogenesis” in the brain
  • Why neurogenesis is of benefit to us
  • How HBOT benefits those experiencing cancer, autism, brain disorders and plastic surgery amongst other things
  • If HBOT is just another wannabe bio-hack gimmicky tool
  • We bust some HBOT myths
  • And so much more


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Show Notes



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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.



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