Jules Galloway | Anxiety And The Gut

With over 15 years of industry experience, Jules has made it her mission to help people recover from fatigue, anxiety, burnout and complex health issues. She has guided thousands back to health through her eCourses, eBooks and podcast. She also sees clients 1:1 via Zoom.

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As a mentor, she is passionate about inspiring and guiding the next generation of new and emerging practitioners to show up online and become confident in speaking out. Her dream is for ALL practitioners to be able to create a wildly successful and rewarding business they love… without burning out — and for our industry to be one that embraces collaboration and connection rather than competition.

When she’s not helping her clients, Jules can be found hanging out with her husband and their rescue dogs, lifting heavy things at the gym, surfing, doing yoga, or having a cheeky coffee or wine. Because fun, adventure and balance are just as important for a successful and long-lasting career. You can find Jules at julesgalloway.com, on Facebook and Instagram at @julesgallowayhealth, her mentoring account is at @the.thriving.praccy, and check out her podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify – just search for Straight Talking Natural Health.


In this episode we cover

  • What anxiety is
  • Why the incidence of anxiety has increased over the last 2-3 years
  • What are the underlying drivers of anxiety
  • We discuss the Gut-Brain axis and how this bidirectional relationship influences each other
  • How anxiety impacts the gut and how the gut contributes to anxiety
  • Assessments used
  • And so much more



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Show notes


TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email info@lyndagriparic.com

This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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