Petra Brzovic is a certified in many fields - she is a certified transpersonal and clinical hypnotherapist, regression and past life regression therapist, Life between Lives therapist, yoga teacher, aromatherapist, Fertile Body Method therapist, prenatal yoga teacher and a doula.
She intensively holds individual and group therapies and workshops in Croatia and abroad.
Using hypnotherapy and other body & mind methods, Petra is committed to helping clients who have experienced some kind of trauma and suffer from fears, phobias and anxiety.
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Thanks to the extraordinary techniques that help make us aware of the wisdom of the body, Petra also helps people who suffer from acute or chronic disease. She helps them get answers to why the disease emerged in the first place so that they can heal on all levels.
Today her biggest passion is working with Souls through Life between Lives sessions and helps bring deep healing and understanding to her clients.
In this episode we cover
- How Petra found herself using Life Between Lives and Past Regression Therapy in practice
- What the H is Live Between Lives and why is it worthy of our time?
- Petra shares her personal and profound experience with these therapies
- We get a deeper understanding of what to expect in a session
- Petra shares why its important we connect with our soul self
- Petra shares her views on death. What happens when we depart this physical body?
Listen Here
Show Notes
- Petra's Website
- Intensive Weekend Workshop - "Transform & Free Yourself" - Byron Bay, Australia or email Petra if interested in attending
- Petra Is In Australia until mid August 2018. Get in contact for A Life Between Lives Session
- Live Between Lives Therapy
- Journey Of Souls By Michael Newton
- Destiny Of Souls By Michael Newton
- Memories Of The Afterlife By Michael Newton
- Dr Joe Dispenza
- Dr Joe Dispenza Australian Event In October 2018
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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.