Dr. Lise Alschuler is a naturopathic doctor with board certification in naturopathic oncology. She practices out of Naturopathic Specialists, LLC. She is the Executive Director of TAP Integrative, a nonprofit web-based educational resource for integrative practitioners.
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Dr. Lise Alschuler is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine where she is on the faculty of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. She co-hosts a radio show, Five To Thrive Live! and is co-founder of the iTHRIVE Plan, a lifestyle app for cancer survivors.
She has been an invited speaker to more than 100 scientific/medical conferences, has authored numerous articles and book chapters, and has been co-investigator on several research studies. She is co-author of Definitive Guide to Cancer, now in its 3rd edition, and Definitive Guide to Thriving After Cancer.
In this episode we cover
- How conventional oncology differs from integrative/ functional oncology
- The integrative approach to cancer treatment, recovery and prevention
- Why education of nutrition, movement and stress needs to happen as early as childhood and in adolescence
- If clinical nutrition is important when it comes to cancer treatment and prevention
- How to address mindset and environmental toxins while undergoing active treatment or prevention of cancer
- We discuss some factors that people can focus on post successful treatment to prevent reoccurrence
- And plenty more
Listen Here
Show Notes
- https://www.drlise.net/
- https://www.ithriveplan.com/
- Definitive guide to cancer
- The Definitive Guide To Thriving After Cancer
- Mary Oliver - A Poetry Handbook
- Mary Oliver - Grass Roots Poetry
- AICR - American Institute For Cancer Research
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