
Megan Taylor | Chronic Constipation And SIBO In Children

Dr. Taylor earned her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR, and currently practices integrative primary care and naturopathic gastroenterology at West Seattle Natural Medicine. She completed two years of post-graduate residency training in primary care and naturopathic gastroenterology under the mentorship of Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND and Allison Siebecker, ND, LAc, and has received advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions such as GERD, Gastritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, including microscopic colitis, gallbladder and liver disorders, Functional abdominal pain, Functional dyspepsia, Visceral Hypersensitivity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), among others. 

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She currently serves as Vice President of the Board of Directors for the GastroANP, a naturopathic specialty organization that supports education and post-graduate training to NDs interested in a practice of naturopathic gastroenterology.


In this episode we cover

  • Chronic constipation and SIBO in children
  • The signs that your child may have SIBO
  • The common drivers of SIBO in children
  • Why kids get constipated
  • Signs that may indicate your child is constipated
  • The link between chronic constipation and bed wetting
  • How to get the large bowel moving effectively in children
  • Key treatment strategies for SIBO in children
  • And so much more


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Show Notes



TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email


This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


I want to share with you a BetterMe tea testimonial from a delighted customer 

At the start of Spring I started drinking BetterMe tea to bring more lightness to my body after wintertime and the consumption of heavier foods.

For the first week I drank it upon rising in the morning and after dinner, now I find myself drinking it in the morning to replace black tea

What Results Have I Seen… Better evacuation, a complete emptying out. Better Skin, more clarity and hydration (the addition of the lemon is a wonderful idea)

I drink BetterMe tea because of the creator, Lynda walks her talk and is a picture of Health in all facets Mind Body and Spirit. It’s the whole “I’ll have what she’s having” and I love her commitment to hers and others health and wellbeing.

You MUST try it!!!




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