Moira Bradfield | Cytolytic vaginosis and Lactobacilliosis: Disorders of Vaginal Lactobacillus Overgrowth

Moira Bradfield, founder of Intimate Ecology clinical and education services, is a Naturopath, Acupuncturist and educator with over 18 years clinical experience. She has a passion for helping people experience optimal health in sustainable and sensible ways. Clinically she has a niche interest in recurrent vaginal infections, the vaginal microbiome and their associated impact in health and disease. In 2019 Moira is embarking on formal research with Griffith University as part of commencement of PhD studies in the area of the vaginal microbiome and conditions of vaginal dysbiosis.

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In this episode we cover

  • What  Vaginal Lactobacilliosis and Cytolytic vaginosis is
  • Why they often are described as one disorder and what the microbiome and diagnostic differences between the two are
  • Other conditions that these may be mistaken for such as vulvovaginal candidiasis
  • Why they occur
  • How we diagnose
  • Treatment strategies 
  • And much more
  • Moira also has a valuable webinar available for practitioners and the public on these often confusing conditions. (I highly recommend)


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Show notes



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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.



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