Nicole Jardim | Heavy Periods, Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Nicole is a certified Women’s Health Coach and the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines simplicity and sass. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of women around the world in effectively addressing a wide variety of period problems, including PMS, irregular periods, PCOS, painful periods, amenorrhea, and many more.

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Nicole is also the co-host of The Period Party, a top-rated podcast on iTunes and she’s the creator of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s hormone health continuing education course. She’s been a keynote speaker for the highly acclaimed Cycles and Sex, a platform and event series devoted to building awareness and education around sexual, menstrual, hormonal, and reproductive health. And, finally, Nicole is the co-author of The Happy Balance, a gorgeous recipe book filled with over 80 hormone balancing recipes.


In this episode we cover

  • What menorrhagia is and what drives it
  • How thyroid health can contribute to heavy periods
  • What a normal versus heavy period looks like
  • What can potentially happen to the vaginal microbiome when we bleed for longer than 7 days
  • What kind of testing we can do to further investigate a heavy period
  • Natural treatments for heavy periods
  • And much more


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.



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