Niraj Naik | The SOMA Experience And Healing Through Breath

Niraj Naik - ex-pharmacist turned holistic health expert, founder of international school of breathwork Soma Breath. After working for several years as a community pharmacist, Niraj saw firsthand just how ineffective and even damaging pharmaceutical drugs can be. When he found himself a patient of stress-related depression and ulcerative colitis, he embarked on a journey of profound self-healing and education.

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Known internationally as the Renegade Pharmacist, Niraj is dedicated to educating others on topics of holistic health, breathwork, meditation, and more. In addition to his website and blog, he has created many other brands related to health and healing, and has featured in articles from multiple news outlets across the world such as Forbes, CNN, The Guardian, and Huffpost.


In this episode we cover

  • His amazing healing experience
  • How sound, music therapy and breathwork was used in his healing
  • The benefits and science behind breathwork
  • What SOMA breath is and the SOMA awakening experience
  • How breathwork can resolve constipation
  • If we really struggle to implement and commit to breathwork practices, where we can start 
  • And so much more


Listen here


Show notes



Before we dive into this conversation ​​Our podcast sponsors,, have released their 2021 digital health report - which examines the way Australian’s are engaging with their health in the times of COVID-19.

It's a great resource for healthcare practitioners and researchers alike. To get more information and download your free copy



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