Constipated Poo People Illustrations created by Joel Tarling and generated in my brain 🙂 This fella is The Smooth Crooner, the poo person we want to see often.
This episode is part 3 of the Constipation Series
Today you are going solo with me, Lynda G a naturopath, nutritionist and yoga enthusiast with an intense interest in bowel movements and one who specialises in all things digestive health.
This episode is part 3 of the Constipation Series - How to move for the intestinal tubes.
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Rather than regurgitate all the ways in which we can resolve constipation in one hit...I will dive into one tool, tip or trick at a time. I am all for gaining a deeper understanding of the Why and believe it fuels the how much more powerfully.
Episode Highlights
- Why exactly is movement so beneficial for bowel function
- What types of movement work the digestive system
- How to get more movement effortlessly into our day
Listen Here
Show Notes
- Yin Yoga Sequence For Digestive Support
- Schedule a consultation to help you regulate poor digestive behaviour
TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email
This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.