Pumpkin and Carrot Puree

If you are looking for a dairy free alternative to mash or puree and are tired of cauliflower this side dish is for you. Its packed full of prebiotic fibre from carrots. Think fertiliser for your good flora, antioxidant love from pumpkins, think protection from environmental toxins, gut support and repair from bone broth and digestive support from cardamom. Its deliciously sweet and goes with many quality proteins. For more on the importance of gut health read this article.


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2 medium carrots, chopped roughly (you can also use 1/2 cauliflower head (1 cup) for a less sweet version)

1/4 pumpkin (1/2 cup) chopped roughly. Skin removed

1/2 tsp himalayan salt

2 tsp cracked black pepper

1/2 tsp ground cardamom

1/4 cup bone broth (or 2 tbsp coconut oil or ghee)



Steam carrots and pumpkin until soft.

Discard water and add remaining ingredients.

Using a hand held blender or masher, blend until smooth and creamy.

Enjoy this brightly coloured goodness as a side dish.


Enjoy with

Crispy Skin Roast Chicken

Baked Jalepeno Salmon

Sautéed Kale


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