Seizing The Yay In Business & Life | Sarah Holloway

Sarah began her working life as a mergers and acquisitions lawyer at a leading international law firm. While she enjoyed several years building strong professional foundations and invaluable business acumen, she found it increasingly challenging to reconcile the all-consuming corporate lifestyle with her personal passions for health, wellbeing, creativity and adventure.

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In pursuit of balance, Sarah and her partner started a creative side project in late 2014 capitalising on a gap they discovered in the health food market for matcha green tea powder.


Three years on, this vibrant green superfood is one of the world's premier health food trends and Matcha Maiden is leading the way with a growing community of over 1500 stockists.


Sarah has now hung up the suits and heels to step into the business full time. In 2016, the matcha mission developed into a physical venue and cutting edge cafe, Matcha Mylkbar, which is taking the food world by storm. Sarah now splits her time between the two businesses and is thoroughly enjoying life as a full time funtrepreneur.


Sarah's Purpose is changing lanes, saying yes to things that you are not an expert in, managing mental health and personal relationships in business.


In this episode we cover

  • Who is Sarah and why was Matcha Maiden and Matcha Mylkbar created
  • How Sarah’s crippling anxiety has impacted her life and business
  • What Sarah's self care rituals or non negotiables are that help reduce her anxiety levels
  • How she maintains a healthy relationship while working with her fiance
  • We chat about some big lessons in business that have shaped who she is today
  • Why the seize the yay podcast was created and how she seizes her yay
  • And a load more


I loved this conversation, especially because Sarah.. Well she is fun. She’s a professional and an inspiring entrepreneur who manages to inject so much colour, brightness, playful dorkiness and joy into her businesses from her menu titles to her raw instagram photos and stories.

She’s real and is open about her struggles. Let this conversation inspire you or just enjoy two ladies having a chinwag 🙂


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Show Notes

  • IG @spoonful_of_sarah @matcha_maiden @matcha_mylkbar
  • Facebook @spoonfulofsarahblog
  • Seize The Yay podcast


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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