Tabitha McIntosh | Reduce Toxic Exposure : One Bite At A Time

Tabitha is the founder of awaken your health, and is a qualified and experienced Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, and educator, having run her own private clinical practice for over 10 years. As director and principal Naturopath at awaken your health, Tabitha takes great pride in providing her clients and their families with high quality naturopathic clinical care, in a supportive and nurturing environment.

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After completing her Medical Science degree in 2001, Tabitha went on to pursue her passion for Natural Integrative Healthcare with post-graduate studies in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Medicine & Environmental Medicine. She now elegantly combines the above approaches to health: integrating Naturopathic healing principles with the latest scientific research, to educate and further the health & wellbeing of her clients.



In this episode

  • What are endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDC's)
  • Specific examples of how and where we find EDC's in every day life
  • Who is susceptible to EDC exposure
  • What sort of diseases have been associated with EDC exposure
  • Some tips for reducing exposure to EDC’s in every day life
  • Some tips for maximising resilience against EDC's
  • And so much more


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Show notes

Tabitha has generously offered the Love and Guts listener 30% off the following books. Use discount code awaken30 at checkout. Valid from now to end of April 2021



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