Tahini Breakfast Pudding

Puddings are a great way to get quality sustenance when time poor. Some mornings call for ease and no fuss especially when it comes to breakfast preparation. I like to make this pudding the night before so that the chia has enough time to swell and become pudding like. Aside from being delicious, this recipe is full of healthy fats, protein, fibre and magnesium which support brain and nervous system function. Think better focus and less stress. It also ensures that I feel full until my next meal. I really look forward to my morning pudd. Give it a try 🙂


1 tbsp hulled tahini
1/4 cup baby spinach
1 tbsp hemp seeds (or 1 scoop 180nutrition vegan protein blend)
1/2 ripe pear (or 1 kiwi fruit for low FODMAP)
1 tsp cacaco
2 tsp chia seeds
1 tbsp coconut butter (or organic coconut cream or creamed coconut)
I add 1 scoop of my favourite magnesium formula to support the nervous system and reduce stress

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  • Blend all ingredients together.
  • Place in a small bowl and refridgerate.
  • You can top with a few raspberries for added fibre and sweetness


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