Hello and a gigantic welcome to Love and Guts,
This podcast is brought to you by me, Lynda Griparic, a naturopath and nutritionist with an avid interest in all things digestive health and the intelligent communication systems that exist in the body, such as the brain and gut...
Love and Guts is an evolving podcast channel where we explore all things mind-set, brain and digestive health and so much more...
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This platform is designed to speak to those who value living a full and magnificent life.
The content may challenge you and we may get a bit whacky but never too bio-hacky as I like to keep things practical and accessible to all.
No doubt you will hear of tools and strategies that you'll want to apply pronto and that's awesome but please remember that the information on this podcast channel is NOT designed to replace the advice from your health practitioner.
If you do not have a health practitioner, however would like to get some support with your health challenges or goals get in contact.
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TAKE CONTROL of your health today & get help with your digestive health. Schedule your consultation online or send me an email info@lyndagriparic.com