Why Are We Eating Human Placenta? Natalie Stokell | Placenta Encapsulator

Why on earth would anyone want to consume human placenta?

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Placenta encapsulation is a topic that fascinates or grosses out most but either way I do hope you stick around to hear Natalie’s story and also why we would ever want to consume placenta. Natalie wants to live in a world where chocolate is free, kindness is spread like glitter, and Placenta Encapsulation is an option for all. As a Certified Encapsulation Specialist she has been spotlighted on tv, radio, and the newspaper.


Originally from New Zealand she spent 10 years frolicking around Europe where she found a Rockstar Chef she quite fancied. She now lives with said rockstar and their two daughters on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. When she is not preparing capsules of magic for new mamas you can find her massaging pregnant women (and non-pregnant people too!), staying up past her bedtime reading and joyfully applying paint to canvas.


Over 500 families have entrusted Natalie to encapsulate their placenta,  Natalie is fully certified and insured and follows strict safety and sanitation protocols, treating each placenta with love and respect. Natalie has a Masters in Psychology and is Board Member of Placenta Services Australia.


In this episode we cover

  • How the hell she found herself encapsulating placenta
  • Natalie walks us through the process of how the placenta finds its way into a capsule
  • We talk about why one would want to eat placenta. What the benefits are
  • We get down on what the placenta, looks, feels and smells like and what its like to work with
  • What to look out for when choosing a placenta encapsulator
  • When one would avoid placenta eating
  • And a load more


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.



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