Green Motion Constipation Smoothie

It may not look pretty but this smoothie is actually delicious and contains prebiotic fiber, healthy fats and other nutrients which will help move even the sluggiest of bowels. Have her for breakfast and start the day right and ready to let go of the old and take on the new 🙂


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1/2 Kiwi Fruit
1 tbsp Creamed Coconut (or 1 tbsp coconut cream)
1 scoop of 180nutrition superfood protein (coconut)
4 Almonds (with skin)
1 tsp Chia seeds (or flaxseeds)
1/2 tsp Vanilla powder (I use Madagascan Vanilla)
Pinch of Cayenne pepper
1/4 cup Baby Spinach leaves
1 scoop of Green Plus (optional)



Blend together and enjoy.
Serves 1

Poor Gut Health can lead to digestive issues, poor sleep, resistance to weight loss and low mood. Let me help you get on top of your gut health. Sign up to the 4 Week Bowel Care program or contact me for more information.


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