Green Gut Loving High Protein Breakfast Smoothie

After experimenting with many breakfast smoothies, I find myself coming back to this one. It’s simple to make and is a great way of replacing the traditional breakfasts of toast and cereal that we’ve been brain washed into thinking are healthy!

This is a gut loving green smoothie I know will satisfy and nutrify me (for want of a better word 🙂 until my next meal. It has the 180 vegan based protein and healthy fats which helps keep me feeling full, kiwifruit; a fabulous prebiotic and good source of fibre for gut flora, a superfood greens powder to help alkalise and high in antioxidants, and a brazil nut with it’s rich selenium to reduce inflammation and improve thyroid function. Enjoy…

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½ kiwi fruit
1/2 avocado
1 scoop 180 Natural Protein Superfood (vegan version)
1 tsp of your favourite greens powder (optional)
1 brazil nut
200ml water
stevia to taste (optional)



Blend all ingredients together and enjoy..It’s that simple.


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