Raw Breakfast Cupcakes

Ive been playin! Playin with a bag of 180 nutrition, vegan friendly, superfood protein powder.

I have 3 varieties of breakfast cupcakes to cater for every mood and ensure that breakky is never a dull affair.

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Choc Top Cupcake
2 scoops 180 Nutrition superfood protein powder (Vegan or Whey coconut)
1/4 cup Desiccated coconut
1/4 cup Goji Berries
1/2 cup Ground Macadamia (high in EFA’s & helps bind the mix)
1/2 cup unhulled Tahini
1/4-1/2 cup Coconut Oil

Mix dry ingredients together then pour melted coconut oil and tahini into mix to bind. Pour into silicone cupcake moulds and freeze for an hour then dress with topping.

Topping: 2 tbsp melted coconut oil mixed with 1 heaped tbsp Cacao powder. You can add a 1/4 tsp stevia if you need a bit more sweetness. Pour over cupcake and freeze until required. Decorated with organic sour cherries

Crunch it Cupcake
2 scoops 180 Nutrition superfood protein powder (Vegan or Whey coconut)
1/4 cup Goji Berries
1 cup Ground cashews
1/4 cup Pepitas to pack a bit of crunch factor
1 tsp Cinnamon powder
1/2 cup unhulled Tahini
1/2 cup Coconut Oil

Mix all ingredients together, place in silicone moulds and freeze for at least 2 hours.

Cacao Permeates Cupcake
2 scoops 180 nutrition superfood protein powder (Vegan or Whey Coconut)
1 tbsp Cacao powder
1/4 cup Goji berries
Sprinkled with desiccated coconut
1/2 cup unhulled Tahini
1/2 cup coconut Oil

Mix dry ingredients together then pour melted coconut oil and tahini into mix to bind. Pour into silicone cupcake moulds and freeze for at least 2 hours.

Freeze and defrost as you need to. Generally 30mins is all that’s needed to defrost.


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