Creamy Coriander Smoothie

There are many digestive aids in this delicious smoothie but I am most excited about the addition of coriander seeds. Coriander contains essential oils thatĀ help to stimulate digestion and improve the breakdown of foods. It also helps to reduce excessive wind and colic. You've got to love that.


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3 tbsp coconut cream (Choose a brand without Guar Gum. I use the brand Honest to Goodness)

1 celery stalk, chopped

1/4 cup baby spinach

1/2 medium cucumber

1/2 medium pear (0r 1 small kiwi fruit or 1/4 cup honeydew melon if low FODMAP)

1 tsp chia seeds (optional)

1 scoop 180 Nutrition Natural Protein Superfood (Vegan Coconut)

1 tbsp coriander seeds

1 scoop Greens Plus (optional)

1 tsp Organic Cacao Powder (I use 180 Nutrition Cacao)

1 small knob of fresh ginger root



Throw all ingredients into a blender and enjoy.

Serves 1 as a meal


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