Macadamia Chicken & Eggplant With Mustard Slaw

This recipe is hands down one of my favourite recipes on this site. The photo really does not do this dish justice. Macadamias are such a great source of healthy fat that has an amazing buttery texture and flavour. Aside from its delicious taste, mustard seeds contain the antioxidant selenium along with magnesium making this dish one that is packed full of nutrients that reduce inflammation, protect the body from toxins and one that supports the nervous system. For the love of god just give it a go...


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800g-1kg organic chicken thighs (or pasture fed thin pork steaks)

2 tbsp djon mustard (I make a super easy anti-inflammatory version to avoid the sugar and chemicals from conventional varieties)

1/2 cup macadamia nuts

1 clove garlic, crushed

2 tsp himalayan salt

2 tsp cracked black pepper

2 tbsp coconut oil (or ghee)

1 medium eggplant, chopped in half and sliced to medium thickness



Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees.

Place all ingredients in a large bowl and toss to coat chicken and eggplant. You can use whole macadamias or process them slightly in a food processor.

Place mixture in a large baking dish and bake covered for 30 minutes.

Uncover and bake a further 15-20 minutes until chicken is golden brown.

Serves with Mustard Slaw

Serves 3-4


Mustard Slaw


1/2 white cabbage, shredded ( I use a mandolin to slice)
1/2 brown onion, sliced finely
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
3 tbsp organic coconut oil
1 1/2 tsp himalayan salt
1-2 tsp cracked black pepper
1-2 tbsp djon mustard (I make a super easy anti-inflammatory version )


Place all vegetables into a large bowl.
Add remainder of ingredients and mix well.
Enjoy as a side dish

Serves 3-4


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