Creamy Cinnamon And Ginger Smoothie

If you belly can tolerate a little bit of quality dairy this smoothie saturates the gut with natural prebiotics and probiotics which help nourish your good gut flora. When the gut flora is happy so is your immune system, brain and ability to shed those unwanted kilos. Think less hunger, colds and flus and a healthy, sustainable weight.


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1 tsp organic desiccated coconut

1 tsp organic green banana flour (I use Absolute Organic)

3 tbsp kefir (I use organic)

1 tsp fresh ginger

1 tsp cacao (I use organic cacao by 180nutrition)

1 scoop 180nutrition superfood protein blend (Vegan coconut)

1/2 banana (green or ripe)

1 scoop Greens Plus powder by 180nutrition

1/4 cup baby spinach

1 tsp ground cinnamon

Handful of ice cubes

1/2 purified water



Blend all ingredients together and enjoy.

Serves 1


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