Prebiotic Rich Onion Loaf

I don't think I have come across such a gut supportive loaf...have you? It's a big call but I must inform you, this onion loaf is packed full of prebiotic rich ingredients. Which means it contains loads of bits that stimulate healthy gut flora. Our gut flora is crucial for appetite control, quality sleep, good mental health, weight loss, prevention of chronic disease etc...I could go on but I wont. If you want to pay homage to gut flora read me.


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1 cup whole raw almonds

1 cup green banana flour (I use Absolute Organic)

½ cup chilled BetterMe tea (optional - for extra digestive support)

2 organic eggs

1 onion, chopped roughly

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tsp Himalayan salt

2 tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp caraway seeds



Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

Grind almonds in a food processor or blender. (I use Nutriboost bullet)

Whisk egg in a large bowl.

Add remaining ingredients and stir using large spoon until well combined.

Pour mixture into a baking dish lined with baking paper.

Bake for one hour.

Serve with organic butter, avocado or simply use to soak up that yummy sauce from Chicken Tikka Masala.



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