Podcasts I Have Shared The Poop Story On In 2016

Podcast #70: Clearing Constipation with Naturopath Lynda Griparic

Check out my most recent podcast interview with Crystal & Jo from The Primal Shift.

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In this episode we have Lynda Griparic joining us from Northern NSW to talk to us all about poo!

Lynda is a qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist, Writer and Speaker with over 14 years of experience in the health industry. Lynda specialises in constipation, gut health and weight loss. She has extensive experience in running healthy, effective and sustainable bowel care and weight loss programs and has expertise in investigating and treating the underlying causes of weight gain, metabolic problems and gut disturbance.

We chat with Lynda about:

  • Why naturopaths are so fascinated with poo
  • Lynda’s personal experience with disordered eating and constipation
  • What happens if we’re not going to the toilet regularly – the effect of constipation on the body
  • Inflammation and toxicity that arises with constipation
  • Estrogen dominance, weight gain and constipation
  • How often should we go to the toilet? Is there such a thing as “normal”
  • What can we do to get things moving again? – Fibre, breath work, apple cider vinegar, resistant starch, probiotics, magnesium bisglycinate
  • How movement, dance and Yin Yoga can improve bowel movements
  • What can cause constipation? – anaemia, dehydration, medications, nervous system dysfunction, stress
  • Why is stress so closely linked to constipation? fight/flight vs rest & digest
  • 80% of serotonin is made in the gut!
  • Why can a FODMAP intolerance affect bowl movement towards constipation or diarrhoea
  • Should we use coffee as a “crutch” to get things moving?
  • Yay or nay for colonics
  • Are squatty potties really helpful or just a gimmick – thumbs up for squatty potties!
  • Soluble vs insoluble fibre



Lynda Griparic: Constipation, Gut Health & Weight Loss Connection

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“… if we’re not getting the plumbing working well and we’re not regulating the bowels, we’re not going to be shifting weight, because it starts to then affect the way that we use our hormones. That toxicity and that inflammation can lead to leaky gut, which can create a bit of a resistance to weight loss…” ― Lynda Griparic, Naturopath


VH61: The Poo Doctor!

VH61: The Poo Doctor!

In this episode the Vitality Hackers have a chat to Poo expert Lynda Griparic and discuss everything you need to know about your poop!

0:00 Intro
1:50 Who is Lynda Griparic?
7:10 What is poo made of?
11:30 What should my poo look like?
20:50 What’s the best Fibre for me?
28:00 The Transit Time Test
30:00 Tips to get things moving
38:00 Outtro









In Episode 83 of The Real Food Reel we are joined by Lynda Griparic to discuss all things digestive health and the “poop pageant”. Find out how your digestion impacts everything from your mind, skin and hormones, and what you need to do for optimal digestive health.

Show Notes:

Balanced Bites’ “Poop Pageant”

Better Me Tea


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