Sexy Sardine Salad

Sardines are such an easy way to get healthy fats into you. I like to keep a bunch of sardine tins on hand for those days I know I am short for time. They are also a great source of quality protein to add to work or travel lunches. I always opt for wild caught and sustainable fish to ensure I do not get a hefty dose of unwanted, inflammatory heavy metals and that I do my bit to protect our seas. Learn more about healthy fats and why they are so amazing for colon health (as well as heart and brain) in this article.


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1 can sardines (I use around 120g of sustainable fish sardines such as the brands Fish 4 Ever or Good Fish)

½ capsicum, (yellow, green or red) chopped roughly

4 cherry tomatoes

½ cup mixture of leaves (rocket, baby spinach and cos)

1 tbsp or more chopped red onion

½ avocado

4 sun dried tomatoes (I use those that are not marinated in vegetable oil such as Absolute Organics)

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil

¼ tsp Himalayan salt

½ tsp ground fennel powder (or insert favourite herb and spice)

½ tsp ground cardamom (or insert favourite herb and spice)



Throw all ingredients together into a large bowl.

Toss well to combine all of the fabulous seasonings and enjoy...preferably somewhere outdoors with feet planted in lush green grass and away from technology. 🙂


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