The Healthy Gut Podcast Ep. 54 Constipation and SIBO


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Constipation is one of the leading symptoms of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and can be a highly frustrating experience for many SIBO patients. Naturopath Lynda Griparic joins Rebecca Coomes to discuss what it is, why we develop it, and what we can do about it once we start experiencing it.

In Today’s Episode

In Episode 54 of The Healthy Gut podcast, we discuss:

✓ What constipation actually is and why there are different types of constipation?

✓ How we know if we have it, even if we’re going to the toilet every day.

✓ Why it is important to poop and what the consequences are of not pooping regularly

✓ Why some SIBO patients get constipated and others don’t

✓ What we can do to improve regularity

✓ What to do when diet and lifestyle modifications aren’t enough



Do you suspect you have SIBO? Schedule an appointment with me, I would love to help you 🙂


I love treating SIBO. Most importantly I love when an individual can reclaim the quality of their life. Below is a testimonial from a SIBO patient of mine, a very happy bride to be...You may resonate with her journey.


"I came to Lynda after struggling with SIBO and not finding any practitioners that were able to either acknowledge its existence or treat it effectively.  My symptoms included constipation, bloating as well as perioral dermatitis (an acne like rash on the face around the mouth/nose) and considering I am getting married in December I wanted none of that! 

It was obvious immediately that Lynda is incredibly knowledgeable about all things gut, digestion and elimination and she was able to implement strategies (both supplementation as well as gentle lifestyle changes) to help me manage my symptoms.  Her enthusiasm and genuine concern for for my well-being made her wonderful to work with.  As of writing I can confidently say that my SIBO (and all those nasty symptoms) is gone but the techniques I have learnt from Lynda will stick with me for life.  I cannot recommend her highly enough. Lynda, thank you!" Charmaine



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