Improve brain function, snoring, digestion & life’s purpose with breathing

In episode 1 we chat to the fascinating Cole Clayton who works with correcting or “retraining” the entire body to either breathe better or have better lip and tongue control. He does this through one on one consultations and his face gym and lip seal programs.

He offers simple strategies targeting key control areas and creating a better environment for the body to regular itself from inside out.

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Cole has a fine arts degree, a masters in clinical rehabilitation, is currently studying osteopathy and is the founder of Happy Kids Klinic

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"I remember being told at school I had "potential" but was "lazy". It took my Mum ages just to get me out of bed, and me ages to actually feel like I was awake everyday. I also struggled with a constant "cloud" or brain fog, inability to concentrate and a general apathy and disengagement.

It wasn't until I was 34 that I discovered all this was in large part due to the way I breathed while I was sleeping! In three short months I'd completely changed, retrained my breathing and had a whole new energy and motivation! Only catch was that it had taken 20 years to figure that out via visual arts, fitness, corrective exercise, nutritional programs and self enquiry.

So I had a trail of ideas, discoveries and experience to finally weave together by understanding what the ancients taught us thousands of years ago; breathing…. and thus the journey began..."


Show Notes;

Use LOVENGUTS as promo code to receive $50 off an online breathing program or LOVENGUTS121 for $50 off an online breathing program with a 1 to 1 session.


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