What Is SIBO, What Drives It & What Can We Do About It

In episode 2 Jo Whitton and Fouad Kassab interview me on all things SIBO on their A Quirky Journey Podcast 

We dive deep with this forever evolving favourite topic of mine and answer all of your questions.

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Not to be missed, especially if you have unexplained digestive symptoms that nothing appears to resolve.

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TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email info@lyndagriparic.com


Not sure if seeing a Integrative Naturopath | Nutritionist is right for you? If you have questions about how a consultation is run and what to expect from a treatment plan schedule in 15 minutes to chat with me. The Q & A sessions are conducted over the phone and is a great way to establish if working with me is a good fit for you. Schedule your 15 minute Q & A here.


Have SIBO and need help with creating delish recipes? Order your copy of the SIBO Family Favourites Cookbook today. It is jam packed with delicious SIBO-friendly recipes that the whole family will love.  Recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free (or dairy-free alternative), refined sugar-free, soy-free, grain-free (except some rice and quinoa) low FODMAP options, easy to make, affordable and most importantly, delicious. Note – this cookbook is specific for those undergoing SIBO treatment with a qualified Health practitioner.



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