How To Live A Life Less Stressed With Dr Ron Ehrlich

Firstly how good is this photo of Ron... I just love it 🙂

With Over 35 years of practice Dr Ron Ehrlich has developed his health model of how stress affects our health; breaking stress down to emotional, environmental, nutritional, postural and dental stressors. The model has shaped Dr. Ron’s keynotes, lectures and workshops both locally and internationally. As co-founder of Sydney Holistic Dental Centre with his brother Dr Joshua Ehrlich, Dr Ron has been in private practice in Sydney CBD since 1980.

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In 1996, Dr Ron gained his fellowship in nutritional and environmental medicine (FACNEM). He has served on the Board and is a former vice-president of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine(ACNEM). Dr Ron is developing a web-based corporate health and wellness program, “Unstress: Simply Be Well” founded on the 5 stressors and the 5 pillars of health; sleep, breathe, nourish, move and think.

Dr Ron is also co-founder and board member of Nourishing Australia, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to informing, educating and inspiring people about the critical importance of healthy soils, nutrient-dense foods and sustainable farming, bringing together principles of holistic healthcare and holistic farm management for the health of people, communities and ultimately, our planet.

Dr Ron’s new podcast Unstress with Dr Ron Ehrlich, explores and expand on all topics covered in A Life Less Stressed: the 5 pillars of health and wellness.

Dr Ron’s passion is to convert confusion to clarity and information to knowledge, while empowering individuals to take control,build resilience and be the best you can be.

Listen Here:


In this episode we cover;

  • How a holistic dentist finds himself writing a book about stress
  • The five stresses in life that affect us most
  • How poor dental or oral cavity health affects our stress levels
  • What the five pillars of health are
  • The link between posture and stress
  • The link between teeth grinding, gut motility and other digestive disorders
  • Ron shares his snoring journey as do I. He also shares how he overcame the snorchestra
  • The link between bedwetting and open mouth breathers
  • And so much more


Show Notes;

Find Dr Ron Ehrlich here

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