How Sound Healing Can Accelerate Healing And Expand Human Consciousness

With an open heart and a beautiful soul, Matt Omo, aka The Gong Guru, is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia with over 15 years experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques. These processes are steeped in ancient wisdom and delivered through innovative processes designed to connect people to the authentic truth of who they are and what their true purpose in life is.

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Matt’s defiant nature as a child not only gained him a permanent seat in the principal's office and some hard learned lessons, but was also the fuel that burnt down the picket fence surrounding his narrow-minded middle American way of life to becoming a respected spiritual teacher, master sound healer, visionary and co-owner of Be Still & Chill Health and Wellness Centre in the heart of Sydney’s Northern beaches.


Matt prided himself on not fitting in until significant life changing events inspired a soul-searching journey around the world. Through this journey Matt embraced wisdom through meditation, yoga, ancient cultures, sound healing, breathwork, volunteer work and spiritual healing. He holds a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, Diploma of Sound Healing, Cert. Kundalini Yoga Instructor, And Reiki Master.  Matt integrates all his healing wisdom in a unique sound-healing journey he created called, Soul Vibing.


In this episode we cover;

  • Why Matt bangs gongs and uses many other sound generating instruments in his workshops and experiences
  • What sound healing is and how sound affects us
  • We chat about how “everything is vibration”
  • How sound accelerates healing and expands human consciousness
  • We talk about Sound in the womb  and how it nurture’s the newborn.
  • Matt takes us through a  guided tour of his Sound Healing workshops, events and experiences
  • And so much more


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Show Notes



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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.





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