Recovering From Lyme Disease. A Personal Experience With Lara Ryan

As a qualified Naturopath with a science degree and a Masters in International Public Health Lara has gathered over 20 years of experience working both clinically and as a health educator across Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Europe & South Africa.

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Lara feels blessed to have been able to  develop her professional skills and experience by spending time in many clinics with a diverse range of physicians & healers gaining knowledge about their fields of practice, their specialties, their successes and their challenges.

Lara's areas of interest are complex illnesses and chronic infectious disease including Lyme Disease.

She believes in an Integrated Medical model where Naturopaths and Medical Physicians work together to develop supportive treatment plans and create the best health outcomes for patients.


In this episode

  • Lara shares her experience with Lyme Disease and now recovery
  • What Lyme and Lyme-Like illness is
  • Where Australia is at with recognising Lyme Disease
  • How accurate testing is for Lyme and co-infections
  • Which Path Labs Lara recommends
  • What the common symptoms of Lyme - like illness are
  • The fascinating Hypothermia treatment Lara received in Germany for her Lyme condition
  • The treatments that have had the most positive impact on Lara’s recovery and continued maintenance
  • How having Lyme has changed the way Lara lives her life


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Show Notes


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.




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