CS : How To Strengthen The Vagus Nerve To Maximise Digestive Function

This podcast episode is part 3.2 of the Constipation Series


 "The vagus nerve is the information highway for gut brain traffic”  Emeran Mayer MD

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Today you are going solo with me, Lynda G a naturopath, nutritionist and yoga enthusiast with an intense interest in bowel movements and one who specialises in all things digestive health.


Episode Highlights

  • What is the Vagus Nerve
  • How does it support digestive function and avoid constipation
  • How can we stimulate, strengthen and tone the vagus nerve at home to support digestive function and reduce constipation


Listen Here


Show Notes




TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email info@lyndagriparic.com


This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.



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