I had to do it. I had to get Dawn Whitten back on the cast. If you have yet to listen to my first conversation with Dawn please do. Back in episode 64 I Dawn and I delve into the world of breast milk and the breast milk microbiome. It’s a goodie and one that I’ve listened to a few times already. Judging by the downloads, you guys found this one valuable too.
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Let me refresh your memory on who Dawn is; Dawn Whitten is a Naturopath, Western Herbalist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Researcher and Educator. Passionate about protecting and nurturing the microbiome of the next generation, Dawn has a broad base of clinical experience with a focus on women’s health through pregnancy and beyond, as well as infant and toddler health. She has been in clinical practice for 16+ years.
Dawn has been published in the peer-reviewed literature and has contributed to clinical textbooks (Including the Breastfeeding chapter in the soon to be published Advanced Clinical Naturopathic Medicine, Elsevier). Dawn co-coordinates two units within the Evidence-based Complementary Medicine Program in the College of Health & Medicine at the University of Tasmania. She is part of the research team at Probitic.Advisor.com and a clinical director at Goulds Natural Medicine in Hobart.
In this episode
- Dawn shares a little about herself - what gets her up in the morning
- When to begin introducing solid food to our babies
- What signs to look out for that show baby is ready for solids
- Why it's wise to continue breastfeeding once solid food commences
- Why many babies get constipated when they start solids
- How parents can prevent constipation in their babies
- Why we might want to avoid whole cow’s milk in first 12 months
- The risks of consuming solid foods too early
- The best way to introduce potential food allergens to baby
- Baby food labelling
- And on and on we go
It's a great conversation as it always is with Dawn.
Listen Here
Show Notes
- Probiotics advisor
- Dawns Practitioner Courses (highly recommend)
- Goulds Natural Medicine
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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.