Paul Chek | The Power Of Intention

Paul Chek has spent over thirty years of clinical practice developing his unique, holistic approach to corrective exercise, high performance conditioning and integrative lifestyle management. Author of numerous books, videos and professional development courses, he is the founder of the CHEK Institute based in California and the host of the popular Living 4D with Paul Chek podcast.

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I am so honoured to have spoken with Paul. He is truly a beautiful human, one who generous, kind and compassionate. I only wish I had more time with him. You’ll no doubt feel the same as we dive into this conversation and you get a glimpse inside his brain and soul.


I am extremely grateful for all of the content he has generously created, shared and expressed over the last 35 years. Because we ran out of time and I did not get to ask Paul my favourite question of which book or movie has had much impact in your life, he shared this with me after the podcast. His answer is;

I'd say that one of the books I recommend most to my students wanting authentic spiritual growth and understanding of what life is all about, and their human potential is "Stalking The Wild Pendulum" by Itzhak Bentov....amazing book!!


As for movies, I'd say "The Matrix" series carry some profound messages...particularly for people in the world today since much of what was shared in the movie is now just around the corner!


We also get side tracked during our conversation and Paul doesn't finish explaining "The Love Code" so he has graciously provided us with a poster he created for his students that you can find in the show notes below.


Finally there was much road work going on around me during the conversation so if you do hear the faint rumbles of this, please perservere as this conversation holds so much juice up until the very end.


So what on earth did I talk about with a man who has discussed and riffed on so many topics???


We went down the route of intention

  • What is it
  • How the power of intention has a direct connection to everything and everyone in your life
  • How intention serves someone wanting to heal from an ailment or trauma
  • How simply setting an intention is not enough and what else we need to cultivate in order for it to become our reality
  • The link between intention and intuition
  • How spirit is guided by intention
  • As you can imagine when I have Paul on the show we go off on all sorts of directions, all of which excite and delight...well it did for me


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Show Notes


Love Code Poster


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This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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