Dr Jason Hawrelak | The Role Of Gastrointestinal Microbes in Depression And Anxiety

Dr Jason Hawrelak is a research scientist, educator, naturopath and Western herbalist with more than 18 years’ clinical experience. Jason practices at Goulds Natural Medicine, a 136-year-old natural medicine apothecary and clinic located in central Hobart. He did his Honours and PhD degrees examining the causes of dysbiosis and the capacity of probiotics, prebiotics and herbal medicines to modify the gut microbiome and has written extensively in the medical literature on these topics – including 16 textbook chapters.

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He is on the Medical Nutrition Council of the American Society for Nutrition and was recently awarded a Fellowship from the American College of Nutrition for his significant contributions to the teaching and practice of nutrition in Australia and North America. Jason is also a Fellow of the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia. He is Chief Research Officer at ProbioticAdvisor.com, which offers a searchable database that enables easy, evidence-based prescribing of probiotic products and online resources for clinicians, and health-conscious members of the public, to learn more about the human microbiome and how they can positively influence these ecosystems.


I always love chatting to this man, so much so that I have had him on twice before. On episode 15 and 49 where we got into pre and probiotics and the vaginal microbiome.


In this episode we cover

  • How the gut microbiota influences the mood
  • How LPS and endotoxemia are involved
  • How  insulin resistance and kynurenine pathway alterations influence
  • How chronic stress negatively impacts GIT microbiota
  • What dietary practices negatively impact our microbiota and therefore our mood
  • How we can support the gut and brain relationship
  • How stool testing can help navigate treatment for a depressed or anxious individual
  • And loads more


Hold up…..breaking news. Jason has generously offered to the first 10 people who purchase the Depression, Anxiety and the Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiota Course he created to have free access to the Advanced Probiotic Prescribing e-course (valued at $89 AUD). All you need to do is email (admin@probioticadvisor.com) with your receipt number and you’ll be provided with a discount code.


I have completed all of Jason’s online courses, multiple times and I can not speak highly enough of them. They have been such a valuable resource for my clinical practice. So if you are a health practitioner who would love to sharpen your knowledge on all things gut health, mood and pre and probiotics sign up today.


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Show Notes


TAKE CONTROL of your digestive and overall health today. Schedule your online consultation or send me an email info@lyndagriparic.com


This episode is sponsored by BetterMe tea, a tea designed to promote improved gut health and digestion - assisting those who struggle with constipation and sluggish bowel movements to go to the bathroom with ease.


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