Dr Alena Pribyl | Inner workings of the gut microbiome: What can be measured?

Dr Pribyl is the Senior Scientist and Research Officer with biotech company Microba, a leader in the analysis of the gut microbiome. She has expertise in human microbiome research, microbiology, and stress physiology in fish. She also has a passion for science communication to support science informed decision making. Dr Pribyl received her PhD in Fisheries Science in 2010 from Oregon State University, was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, and was a CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow before moving to Australia in 2015 where she started working at the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics at the University of Queensland in the area of the human microbiome. She has presented at many conferences and seminars to science and laymen audiences.

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In this episode we cover

  • Why modern Molecular techniques of stool testing are useful in establishing the ecosystem of the large bowel
  • Just what is a healthy gut microbiome? Is there such thing?
  • Why looking at microbial metabolites excites us so, and how they influence our body
  • What the benefits are of seeing fibre and protein degrading species in the stool
  • What we might see in your poo test if you are on a western diet that is high in fat, processed foods and in low fibre and prebiotics 
  • We expand on LPS, in particular HEXA LPS and how it impacts our health
  • How we can improve microbial diversity, richness
  • and so much more


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Show Notes


Before we dive into this interview I want to take a few more moments of your time to chat about our fabulous show sponsor, a company whose services I value and use every working day. The company I speak of is Brisbane-based Microba - otherwise known as the world Leaders in the analysis of the gut microbiome  – the community of bacteria and other microorganisms that have made your gut their home! Let me explain why I have carefully chosen this brand to align with and how their services make a huge difference in the health of my clients and maybe you too if you choose to explore this.


If you’ve ever been interested in how your gut microbiome may be influencing your health? Microba Insight™ gives you the tools to explore the world of your gut microbiome. With a simple home testing kit, you can find out more about which bacteria are living in your gut, the functional potential of your gut microbiome, and how you can fuel the good bacteria with your food choices.  


As part of your journey with Microba Insight™, you will get access to your unique microbiome insights, personalised dietary suggestions, and a tailored one-on-one coach call with a qualified health professional. You can also work with your own health care practitioner (such as myself) for an interpretation of your report, more information and assistance.  


And for all of you health care practitioners wanting to use the latest gut microbiome testing to help your patients? Microba Insight™ allows you to explore the influence, the gut microbiome may be having on a person’s overall health. By using Insight™ you will have access to an online, interactive report, assistance from the Microba team and personalised dietary suggestions. Best of all, it’s completely free of charge to take the Microba practitioner course and become a Microba Informed Practitioner. 


Considering gut health is the reason why many individuals seek my support , I use Gut Microbiome analysis in most, if not all of my clients. Its a tool that plays such a pivotal part in helping me navigate a wellness plan for you, the client. So to find out more visit microba.com today or schedule in a naturopathic | nutrition appointment with me if you are interested in learning more about your gut health and how this method of gut microbiome analysis can help you optimise your health and vitality. Or send an email to info@lyndagriparic.com


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